We are proud to share that the Helping Jackson Shine campaign we launched back in April 2020 was a great success. We encouraged community members to nominate their hero during this global pandemic. Folks could nominate a place of business/organization or individual that has impacted them during this time of unrest and uncertainty.

We want to thank the whole community for making it happen. With your nominations we cleaned 22 individual’s homes and 20 businesses/organizations with just over 1,000 hours of cleaning. This campaign allowed for the job security of our employees that just LOVED to give back in this meaningful way. During this time of COVID-19, cleaning and disinfecting is essential. We are proud to lead the charge in the best way to combat the virus and helping deduce the risks through our services.

We are looking forward to doing this outreach again because we love our Jackson community and even a small gesture can go along way.